Self-Improvement Questionnaire

About This BizTool

Estimated Time

  • 20-25 minutes

Number of Steps

  • 9 steps


  • This BizTool helps you identify and address certain issues in your life.
  • Find out why you may be struggling and why you don't always make the best choices.
  • The results include suggestions for improving various areas of your life.

See Sample Results

Sample Results for Self-Improvement Questionnaire

Discover how you can improve various areas of your life

The questionnaire asks for information about yourself. It contains 120 statements that describe how you may feel or think. Some of the statements might seem unusual or somewhat personal. There is no intent to offend or judge anyone by these statements.

Complete the questionnaire in a quiet environment away from all distractions. Carefully read each statement in the questionnaire and decide whether or not it describes you.

If you agree with a statement or feel that it describes you, click on the radio button next to "Agree." If you disagree with a statement or feel that it does not describe you, click on the radio button next to "Disagree."

Respond to each statement even if you are not sure of your answer. If you find it difficult to give a response to a particular item, don't spend too much time thinking about it. Just go ahead and give it your best shot.

Answer all items truthfully. Work quickly, but do not rush. There is no time limit. Most people are able to complete the questionnaire in about 20 minutes.

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