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Accelerated Learning Training Programs Can Save You Money |
Employee Training Program for Underground Locating |
The American Society for Training and Development conducted a study (involving 540 companies) that correlated training expenditures to company performance. Companies that spent an average of $900 per employee on training significantly outperformed companies that spent only $275 per employee.
The findings indicated that the bigger "investors" in employee development had 57% higher net sales and 37% higher gross profits per employee. The results clearly indicated that it makes good business sense to invest in employee training and development programs.
We think organizations should promote the "self-directed" approach to employee development. The key principle of this approach is this: Employees are ultimately responsible for their own development on the job.
This principle does not mean that employees should be allowed to "sink or swim" without getting any support from their company. On the contrary, companies should provide the necessary resources and development opportunities that encourage employees to improve job performance.
Sometimes companies "throw" training money at employees as a cure-all for organizational aches and pains. This never works.
Organizational health can strategically be improved by using integrated training programs that address major issues. In addition, training programs should incorporate accelerated learning procedures to reduce training costs, improve employees' retention of subject matter, and enhance problem-solving skills among employees.
Traditional training programs focus almost entirely on helping employees gain new job knowledge and skills. Employee development programs, however, should also help employees change attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs that negatively affect job performance and job satisfaction.
And employees don't necessarily have to spend all their time in "training." Learning can continue outside of formal training programs. Progressive organizations promote learning through various performance development techniques, such as self-instruction, coaching, job rotation, and special job assignments.
Look at some samples of materials we developed for one of our accelerated learning programs.