Use our online testing system to increase efficiency in your employment process.
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Many supervisors spend significant time and energy on managing employee inefficiency and poor performance. Frustration continues to grow in an organization when headaches created by employees keep getting bigger and bigger. Management constantly has to put out fires if too many employees can't meet job expectations. Using preventive medicine clearly is the answer to this dilemma.
Hiring good employees means making sure they have the capabilities to do the job. Educational background and employment history give no guarantee that people will be successful on the job. And an employment interview alone won't tell you what you need to know. So what can you do to increase your chances of hiring employees who have the skills, abilities, and job-related personality traits needed for success?
Managers often believe that they can "spot" the right person to hire or promote. Aptitude tests and structured interviews aren't crystal balls, but they certainly are better than relying solely on human judgment. An employment test, however, is only as good as the kind of information it gives you. You need to use skills tests and job-related personality tests that provide relevant, accurate, and reliable results. And you need information to help hire people you can really count on to make a difference in your organization.
The main reason for using pre-employment tests is to improve your ability to predict who will be successful on the job. If an employment assessment doesn't increase your chances of selecting the right person, it's not worth your time. An employment test may just have "face validity," which means it looks good on the surface but doesn't have much substance. This type of test simply doesn't improve your ability to hire people with the skills, abilities, and personality traits needed for job success.
The quality of an assessment test is determined by its utility in measuring relevant skills, abilities, and job-related personality traits accurately and reliably. Not only have our skills tests and personality tests been professionally designed, but they have also been empirically validated.
We have conducted statistical studies that show our competency test tools can help you identify people who will be more successful on the job. And everyone knows that successful employees contribute significantly to your organizational health and business profits.
Everybody was asked to do an important job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it. Everybody also was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody actually did it. Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. Somebody got angry because it was Everybody's job. As things turned out, Everybody blamed Somebody for something that Anybody could have done but Nobody did.
Take a close look at our full line of employee recruitment and retention products, which can help you identify people whose skills, abilities, and personlity traits will make your organization more successful.