Use our online testing system to increase efficiency in your employment process.
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Employee certification test programs certainly are not new and have existed in some industries for decades. Those that have been shown to be effective tend to have the following characteristics:
A self-administered employee certification program generally raises issues regarding conflict of interest. Third-party involvement ensures objectivity and integrity regarding the administration and scoring of employee certification tests.
Employees are usually administered written tests and/or job performance tests in a number of specialized areas. The number of items per certification test varies, depending on the subject matter.
Stringent guidelines are often followed to minimize errors and maximize efficiency during the certification testing process.
To become fully certified, individuals must meet the established standard on each certification exam in the battery. A relatively high score on one test cannot compensate for a low score on another test.
In some certification assessment programs, certified individuals are required to complete additional certification tests after a specified period of time (e.g., every year) to maintain their certification status.