Use our online testing system to increase efficiency in your employment process.
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After you register with us, your FREE 15-day trial of WebAssess will begin as soon as you activate it in your account.
Administer online tests to as many people as you want for 15 days at NO COST to you!
Register now and start your FREE 15-day trial of WebAssess, our online testing system!
WebAssess is a comprehensive, online test system for administering assessments to applicants, employees, and students for employment, promotion, certification, and training and development purposes. Our sophisticated web testing system will help you achieve the following organizational objectives:
All too often, time invested in selecting people is wasted because the approach is biased and haphazard. Our test website can maximize returns on your investment in employees.
Tests are worthless if they are not reliable and valid. Our online testing system was designed to provide reliable and valid assessment results.
Inconsistency can lead to bad hiring decisions and legal nightmares. Individuals being assessed by our online test system are always treated consistently and fairly.
No organization wants to waste time or money when they test people for employment or other purposes. We built our web testing system to make everything easy and fast.
All employment practices, even those that do not involve tests, are under legal scrutiny. Methodical and objective assessment methods, such as those used in our computerized testing system, can decrease your chances of litigation.
Haphazard and unstructured testing procedures can give individuals a bad impression of an organization. Our web testing system makes people feel confident that everything is being handled properly.
Paper-based assessments always need to be under lock and key. The built-in security features of our online assessment system make unauthorized access virtually impossible.
Only authorized individuals should see test results. Our web testing system ensures that scores always get into the right hands.
Take a minute to register now with no strings attached.